
San Diego Comic Con Report, part one of whatever.

I'd missed Comic-con last year, when things really exploded, and to tell the truth, it felt great to relax and take the time for myself. I won't get to do that this year, so I have resolved to take it easy and not work myself into a nervous frenzy before the show. I don't print a bunch of posters or spend any time sorting through original art the day before the show. In fact I don't even think


Sara Ryan had three new minis and she got tired of waiting for her over-committed husband to draw them, so she came to Periscope:CLICK illustrated by Dylan Meconis. This one ties in with Sara's new novel, The Rules for Hearts and guest stars Katrina from Me and Edith Head.Einbahnstrasse Waltz illustrated by animatorCat Ellis, making her comics debut.Flytrap: episiode 3, Over the Wall illustrated

The year's first big San Diego WTF.

I was looking at the Artist's Alley map, trying to figure out how many sherpas we'd need to get all our gear onsite, when I saw this:"Toy Growers Cultyard." I can't even parse that. Anyone?Either way, Jesse Hamm has a brilliant San Diego advice guide that'll come in handy everywhere throughout the con, including the Cultyard.Colleen has reprinted Star of the East, the great mini-comic the Douglas

party and the glove

We had our housewarming for the new digs on Sunday. Here's a flickr photoset. And these are some photos Paul Guinan shot. Viva Zapander!And here's an interview with Periscope's own Aaron McConnell.

From Parker

From Parker's blog:Some of you are pretty proactive about the Marvel Adventures books, so if you’re looking for somewhere to talk about the Avengers one, may I suggest popping in to Avengers, or Comic Book Resources or ComicBoards? Every week I find people who simply didn’t know the book existed who liked it once they knew it did. And now would be a REALLY GOOD TIME to remind everyone

A little peek at the Whiteout movie.

Extra TV made a visit to the Whiteout set and shot this interview with Kate Beckinsale. Turn down the sound on your computer so you don't have to hear the creepy-ass voice-over guy. This was actually filmed one of the days I was there. And hey, as long as Warner Bros is showing a bit of the look of the film, I guess I might as well put up a few of my sketchbook doodles from the set:Kate