
News from the Web

Mercury's own David Hahn has been chosen by Marvel Comics to be the new regular artist on Spider-man Loves Mary Jane. Starting with issue #16, he will take over for Takashi Miyazawa. Written by Sean McKeever and colored by Christina Strain, Dave's art will look smashing. Below are some samples from his pages. Congratulations, David! Harry and MJ

Lieber @ Mid-Ohio

Steve Lieber will be a last-minute guest at the Mid-Ohio con in its new location at the Columbus Convention Center. Stop by and give him shit for registering so late, then go meet Marcia Wallace and sing the Bob Newhart theme at her, just like the Reverend Jim Ignatowski did on Taxi.

Happy birthday Ron!

Ron Randall is fifty years old today! You can wish him a happy one by adding his spiffy new site to your links.

Hank Ketcham's Fight Club

Jesse Hamm explains it all here , and here.