
The Cabin Boilerplate.

From The New York Times, November 1, 2005(photo by David Needleman)As a comedian, actor and satirist, Chris Elliott has made a career out of blurring the line between truth and absurdity. As (author of the novel The Shroud of the Thwacker) he has unintentionally fuzzied things further by falling for an online spoof and incorporating a fictional robot into his book as a historical figure...Now, Mr


Check it out, crack writer Inara Verzemnieks did a nice long piece on Portland cartoonist Joe Sacco in this Sunday's paper. Unfortunately you can't see the pictures that went with it, unless there's some other link for that which I didn't see. She wrote a good overview of Mercury a while back, so we're big fans. Of Sacco too!That was Parker. This is Lieber, with more news about cartoonists we

Paul Guinan and his Sideburns

I haven't posted any goofy photos of studio members recently, so here's a shot that shows Paul Guinan with his Halloween sideburns.Thanks to Heartbreakers Meet Boilerplate, Paul's been getting a lot of ink lately. A quick look around the web:Variety , Comic Critique ,The Williamette Week, The Stateman Journal, Comic Continuum, Movie Poopshoot, Oregon Live, Comics Should be Good Like many

Back from Gijon

So as I mentioned a week or so ago, I spent the week at the SALĂ“N INTERNACIONAL DEL COMIC DEL PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIASThis wasn't a convention. An arts festival would be the closest comparison I guess. The organizers brought a number of Anglophone and Spanish cartoonists to Gijon to exhibit their work, meet the public, and shovel down endless platefuls of the local ham. Selling comics was the last

Battle Comic

I tried to find an online version of this last week after it ran in The Oregonian, but of course it took Tom Spurgeon to point the way. Cartoonist Mike Russell summed up the Stumptown Comics Fest in the only way you can truly report a comics show- with comics. I'm the raving nutcase running around with Thing Fists on, and Mike totally nailed me. I can't do a good caricature of me, and I see me

Less than a proper post.

Not much time to do this. Sara and I are on the floor at an airport gate, waiting to board the flight that'll start us on our trip to Spain for the Gijon Comics Festival. So.Quicksand! Not as deadly as we once thought!More Stumptown wonderfulness. Erika reports./God bless Tom Peyer for finding this stuff.And how about a bit of actuial comics news: David Hahn's Marvel comics debut, X-Men Unlimited

World class; gravitational center.

When it comes to bright lights and emerging stars, Portland has a higher density than any solar system in the galaxy of graphic arts. Local heavyweights include two of the best guys in mainstream comics: Greg Rucka and Brian Michael Bendis, the top dog in the Marvel universe and Seth's hero on "The O.C." Of course, there's comic creator Craig Thompson (some critics called


Jen Wang, Craig Thompson and Erika Moen.Steve RolstonCeleste Woods has signed a three-year exclusive with her father Pete.Fantastic Four writer Jeff Parker shows how a simple sharpie can lend your Thing Hands greater verisimilitude.Mercury intern Susan Tardif stole the Thing Hands when no one was looking.Indigo did most of the work. He's tired.Paul Guinan works on a sketch. By hand.Ovi NedelcuJoe