
"The ear thing... it's pretty twisted, I think."

Over at Barbelith they're discussing Bite Club. Go see the discussion of a David Hahn image mistakenly attributed to Frank Quitely.
Meanwhile, in his column at Broken Frontier, Matt Maxwell has correctly attributed his praise for Eric Shanower's Age of Bronze and Jeff Parker's The Interman (There's no permalink, yet, but if the column is gone, check the archives for May 13, 2004, or

My latest news writes its own punchline.

Nat Gertler and I have been working on something interesing... Read the interview with Nat at Comic Book Resources. The book is due out in July.

In other news about me, here's the cover to the next Perdition book, wonderfully colored by Dave McCaig:

"No problem at all with human sacrifice."

Matthew Clark informs me that the people at the Superman Homepage have posted an interview with Matt and his collaborator on Adventures of Superman, Greg Rucka. It's a good interview, offering a look at the personalities behind the work. I'd really like to show you some of Matthew's Superman pencils. Maybe if I promise to knock it off with the links, he'll send me some scans.

There's a thread

"What happens at a con stays at the con"

"(David Hahn is) better than some but worse than others: while he's no Nascar driver, I'd pit him against a driver barely able to see, seatbelt flapping, blinker still on, driving 20 in a 35, cell phone talking driver. David" Boogaloo" Hahn now taking 3 to 1 odds. "

Andrea Speed of Comixtreme has interviewed Matthew Clark. Click now before she realizes what she's done.

Here's an update on

Big interview with Jim O.

The Pulse has posted a terrific interview with Jim Ottaviani about Suspended in Language, his forthcoming graphic novel about the life and work of Niels Bohr. The interview is salted with some very cool panels by one of the artists Leland Purvis, who illustrated most of the book.

I had a great time illustrating a Bohr story for Jim, years ago in Two-Fisted Science. Bohr is an fascinating